Ornella Pocetti was born in Buenos Aires in 1991.
She studied at the University of National Arts in Argentina (UNA) and continued attending different workshops and programmes.
In 2015, she had her first solo show, “Defying time“ at Acéfala Gallery (Bs As, Argentina). In 2019 she was selected to participate in “Artistas x Artistas”, at Munar Art Center.
Her work can be found in museums and galleries, and also in other mediums such as book covers, movie posters, and children's books.
She was part of various group shows in South America and the United States. Also, her paintings have been selected in numerous contests, such as UADE Arts (2020), Salón nacional (2021), Salón Félix Amador (2018, 2019), Fondo Nacional de las Artes (2018), Premio Itaú (2019), Salón Nacional de Rosario Castagnino-Macro (2018) and X Premio Nacional de Pintura Banco Central (2017). In these last three she also received an award.
Currently, she works in Argentina, managing Paz Soldán Art Studio, where she has her studio, and as a part of the artist collective “Viento dorado”.
A juxtaposition between absence and presence.
My goal is to achieve coexistence of both in the image.
To unveil the existence of a being without showing their identity.
To border the idea of mystery and the uncanny; let the viewer be the one that completes what cannot be seen.
A concrete expression of aesthetic components that add something to our world's perception.
The body of work emerges as exploration and research, trying to form a unique language.
There is a relationship between the painting and nature´s cycle, the vegetation subjected to the laws of change.
An intention to materialize change, movement and disintegration.
I try to unfold an unusual imagery where violence and erotism are intertwined.
Fictional landscapes emerge, starred by beings with feminine and non binary corporalities.
Filled with mythological and atavistic, but also, futuristic features.
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La Capital, Un premio que interpela
I-D, Ornella Pocetti y el regreso a la pintura